You can order classic Greta garter belt 4-10 straps or Nina with 4-8 straps, but sometimes there's a wish for...more.
In this case, add as many straps as you want with your 6 strap garter belt order. Well...not exactly how much you want, but how much fits your garter belt size. You see, it's not the same if you wear size Small or size 4xl because, to someone's luck, size 4xl has much more room for many more straps.
Keep in mind that some garter belts, such as Scarlett, cannot be fitted with additional straps due to their construction.
Below is the classic Greta garter belt, size Small, with 16 straps. Eight on each side.
Below is a Grace garter belt which fits slightly less straps, 10 straps altogether, due to the width of the extra wide straps. Maybe we could have squeezed in two more on each side.  Â
And finally, how to add all those straps to your garter belt?
1. go to "Garter Belts" and add your desired garter belt to the Cart
2. find "I want more straps!-Additional Straps" or simply click here,
   and choose Quantity:
- "1" for 1 pair/2 straps
- "2" for 2 pairs/4 straps
- "3" for 3 pairs/6 straps, etc.
That's it!
If you still need help, click on Contact in the lower right corner of the screen. And I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Yours trully,